Sunday, December 20, 2009


Ok, so I didn't do to well updating over the last year and a half. This year's christmas is almost over...and I'm both happy and sad. I love anticipation of each holiday and am sad to see it go. This year is gonna be really great I'm sure and there is a lot to look forward too. It's bitterly cold and I'm not looking forward to heading back to work tomorrow. I really wish it was easier to get time off of work, but I love my job so it's a small sacrifice to make. Ray and the kids just left after assisting Jason with getting the new garage door buttoned up and the opener functioning. Yaay! No more frustration with the old one that kept falling off of the track. Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season and maybe I'll get back to updating about this time next year.
Love you all..
The Millers

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So much to tell...

Lots to tell but where do I begin. August has proven to be a remarkable month so far. The wedding is finally over!! Even 2 weeks later I'm still getting used to the idea of not having to make plans and phonecalls and preparations...seems strange. In the meantime the crohns disease continues to rage on. Dr. Okuro at Rochester tells me that stress is the biggest factor for digestive disorders, as anyone can imagine. Fortunately, most major events are over and things will hopefully calm down soon.
Meanwhile, we are all getting used to the idea that the days of Grandpa's devilish grins and witty humor being gone. We miss you Grandpa and we love you!! It will be a long time before any of us get used to the idea of him not being around. (11-11-1918 to 8-5-08)

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm hoping that I can re-start my Remicade infusions soon . Rochester found another small area of infection that needs to be cleared up before I can continue. Luckily they are still calling it very treatable and they are very hopeful that the treatments will work.

Thats all for now, Love you all!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

at last...

Finally back! After having more then 2 weeks off of work, I'm finally 'blogging'! After what seems like a never ending battle to finally feel good, there is light at the end of the tunnel. What I thought was a little 'bug' turned out to be a week in the hospital followed by a gallbladder surgery. If only I would have taken the gallbladder out ages ago...what a relief!!! Oh man. Sometimes it does not pay to be a stubborn German. Thank goodness for Mom who has been burning her candle at both ends trying to help me. The best part is that nice weather has finally arrived and I'm so happy to have a yard and patio full of flowers once again. Luke helped me clean the pond and Jason helped me get the yard mowed. Mom planted tons of flowers for me. I get to go back to the Dr. on Monday to find out when I can go back to work. Lots of things have changed while I have been away and I'm anxious to get back to a routine. I've gotten alot of reading done and alot of things organized for the wedding now that I'm feeling better. I've had about enough television for a lifetime.
Another Friday is here so hopefully everyone has a great weekend planned. Hope everyone is well and enjoying good health, I know I am!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another day older...

Well I had a really great birthday yesterday. Cindy got me fresh flowers, an awesome daffodil arrangement. I've never gotten REAL flowers on my birthday before!! Mom, Shelley, Luke and Melinda also gave me $$ and some tulips to decorate my office at work. Paiton even picked out a beautiful corsage for me. What a day!!

Once a year Jason's work pays for us all go to the riverboat casino in Marquette. They pay for the accomodations, meals, and tokens to gamble with. Since it always falls around my birthday, I always call it my birthday get-away trip. Throughout the year I save all my change in a little jar and turn it in to use to gamble with. This way I dont over spend. Jason's folks come with us, since his dad also works at Farmers Feed and Grain. His mom and I usually get to spend a little time on Sat. afternoon shopping . It's a fun little get away, and while none of us are really gamblers, if I set my limits and stick to them, I dont have to feel guilty when we leave. Jason usually just saves everything his boss gives him and doesn't gamble any of it. I think he played one machine last year. But its a fun change of pace, so penny machines here I come! Wish me Luck!!!

Today we (Betty, Mom, Myself, Cindy & Grandma) met with some ladies from Cedar Valley Hospice. They spent quite a while explaining how their services work, and what things they can provide for grandpa. I think we all agree that it will be a good next step for grandpa after his skilled care with Medicare has expired. Lots of times their specialized care increases patients life expectancy because they can make people so comfortable. It's really amazing what they can do and how much they know!

Grandma got to go to Walmart today too. Normally we take our trip to walmart on Friday, but since she knew I would be leaving for Marquette tommorrow she agreed to bump it up a day. It worked out well because mom could drop her off on the way home and I picked her up after I finished up some things at work. We had a really good time, and as always, got to enjoy our usual hamburger with ketchup and onions at mcdonalds afterward. Despite the snow, it was a nice day. Most of the snow we had gotten today has already melted. Now we're ready for spring.

Melinda's excited to report that her Humira has arrived!! After a long agonizing journey through the fun world of health insurance, she has finally recieved the much desired prescription. We're VERY hopeful that this will bring some much needed relief to Melinda and make her feel like a new woman!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Birthday Eve

Happy Birthday Ray, my favorite pain in the butt!!

Hope everyone is having a good week. Grandpa is back in the hospital but promises to make a quick recovery! Hopefully he can get out soon so he can get back to making great progress.

This morning I had the great idea to make birthday treats to take to work. Last night I set out 2 dozen cinnamon rolls to rise, so they'd be ready to bake this morning. I got up in plenty of time and got them in the oven. Unfortunately I knew we had a problem when Jason asked me if I was making toast.....not a good sign. So, I have 2 dozen nice cinnamon rolls that are perfect on top but burnt on the bottom. So, I stopped at hy vee and bought 2 dozen fresh chocolate chip cookies! Hey, I had good intentions!!

Anybody out there watch dancing with the stars? I never paid any attention to it before but I'm kinda curious to see how Pricilla Presley and Marlee Matlin will do. So I watch those 2 dance and so far they are both doing really well. It's fun to watch dancing. Jason isn't a big fan. Shocking I know.

The good news of the day is Melinda is getting her medication she needs this week!! We should celebrate!!!

Well my laundry is calling. Until next time...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Making history!

Well unless we live to be almost 200 years old, we will never have an Easter this early in the year...we're making history!!

Jason and I just returned from a day with his family. Jason is the oldest of 4 children in his family, and being the only boy of the 4 there are plenty of good stories around the dinner table at their house. Most of all Jason enjoys these get togethers as opportunities to pick on his little sisters (Jessie, Amy & Sarah). I hear brothers do that! :)

Jason's dad (Tom) is the Commander of their local American Legion, in Elma, IA where he grew up. This is a responsibility that often involves the whole family to help out. This week his mother (Sue) was busy working on a cookbook for the Legion to sell as a fundraiser. She has been contacting people all around the Elma area to share their favorite recipes and has now aquired over 1000 recipes!! So while Jason's dad was busy typing the recipes his mom was organizing them into the format needed to go to the publisher, as well as proofreading. This is quite an undertaking but it will prove to be a valuable cookbook containing special recipes from older community members who have remarkable cooking talent. It's fun to be a part of these projects! In many ways it's like passing on part of their history and experience (some are not so willing to give up the family secrets though)!

Well, the Sound of Music is on here again. I think I've watched it about a dozen times this last week!! I just can't pass it up when I see it playing on TV. So I'm gonna sign off now...the hills are alive.

Good night everyone, Happy Easter!!! Have a great week.

It's Birthday week!! Happy Birthday to Ray, Myself and Uncle Bill!!

Mom reports that Grandpa has that start of a cold today...hopefully better reports will follow. The nurses are keeping a close eye on him and so is Nurse Carol!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is springing...

Well, I jumped straight from New Years to Easter! After what seemed like the never ending winter, with 1 storm after another I'm thrilled to see spring trying to come. I have a few signs of crocus' coming up, and the robins are busy finding worms.
Tonight Jason and I are planning a night out. I'm calling it my birthday outing but really it had nothing to do with me! Either way we are excited to be getting out of the house and seeing some friends that we haven't spent time with all winter.
Grandpa is making a remarkable comeback after a long winter in the hospital. We are hopeful that he can continue to progress to the point of being more independant. He is certainly recieving excellent care where he is at as we can see from his great progress. However, he expressed yesterday that it's kind of like a bad dream that you dont wake up from. Hopefully we can find some happy medium where he can be on his own but have sufficient help.
Grandma and I got to enjoyed our weekly trip to wal-mart yesterday. She'll all ready for Easter. I think it's one of her favorite holidays. (I think that's because its always on Sunday and Sunday is her favorite day of the week! )
Cindy and Mike made a trip to I.C. yesterday for another follow up appt. on his jaw. Hopefully they got a good report.
Well the snow is about gone from the big piles we had a few weeks ago. The grass already looks green in some places. I can't wait till I can get the patio furniture out and get out to shop for plants. In the meantime I'll try to write more then one blog a quarter!!! Happy Easter everyone!!